Amazon Seller

Ecomtent's COSMO Optimized Copy Case Study: From under 50 to #26 in Best Seller Rank, and +3% increase in conversion from bullets alone

Read how Ecomtent increased discoverability and conversion for US-based Amazon Seller Katie Doodle

Katie Doodle, a US-based gift card Amazon seller, sought to improve their sales through increased ranking and conversion. They turned to Ecomtent's Amazon product listing software to generate COSMO-optimized bullet points and AI-generated images.

What is COSMO? 

COSMO is Amazon's new back-end AI algorithm, known as the Amazon COSMO algorithm or Amazon COSMO AI, that uses large language models and vast amounts of data to understand customer search intent and surface the most relevant products. This powerful AI system taps into a wealth of customer behavior, catalog data, and web information to create a comprehensive understanding of user needs and preferences (read more in our blog). Ecomtent is an AI-powered Amazon product listing optimization tool, founded by a senior ex Amazonian, specifically focused on ranking on the recently deployed Amazon COSMO algorithm to enhance product visibility and conversion rates. Rather than just the old technique of keyword stuffing, Ecomtent focus on generating intent-based copy, focused on Katie Doodle's specific target audience. Ecomtent also provides market leading AI-generated images and infographics, creating visually appealing content to boost discoverability (see our about us).

Ecomtent's Results

Most significantly, Ecomtent was able to help improve Katie Doodle's best seller rank from outside the top 50 to #26. This is particularly impressive given the Handmade Product category is an extremely competitive and broad one, with over 3.9 million items, and a dedicated internal organisation.

In addition, looking at Bullet Points alone, Ecomtent delivered a +3% increase in conversion rate as per multiple A/B tests run in Amazon Experiments., vs Katie Doodle's previous methodology of using traditional, non-COSMO optimized keyword ranking tools like JungleScout & Helium 10. These results were so conclusive that the seller Katie Doodle stopped them early to benefit from Ecomtent's advanced Ecom AI optimization.

Amazon Experiments Screenshots
Amazon Experiments Screenshots

Ecomtent is known not just for its written content optimization, but more so for its visual. This is important as the COSMO algorithm is multimodal, thus meaning SEO can come from images not just text. Ecomtent is the market leading AI Image Generator for E-commerce, able to create compelling infographics and product images that increase the conversion uplift on the listing from just 3% from the copy to ~30%. Ecomtent's Amazon A+ content generator supports A+ Content Generation in one click. Leveraging its understanding of the Amazon COSMO algorithm, Ecomtent's Amazon A+ content generator created rich, contextual descriptions that painted a vivid picture of the product's benefits and applications, including imagery of the sellers' target audience and AI product images.

The Future of Amazon Optimization

Ecomtent's success lies in its deep integration with Amazon COSMO AI principles. By focusing on common-sense reasoning and customer intent, rather than keyword density, the tool creates listings that truly resonate with shoppers. This approach aligns perfectly with Amazon's shift towards more intelligent, context-aware search algorithms. As Amazon continues to refine its COSMO algorithm, and even starts to personalize listings, tools like Ecomtent will become increasingly valuable. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing AI-driven, context-focused optimization, sellers can ensure their products don't just rank well, but truly connect with their target audience.

In conclusion, Ecomtent's case study demonstrates that in the age of COSMO, success on Amazon isn't just about being found – it's about being understood. By leveraging advanced AI and a deep understanding of Amazon's evolving algorithms, Ecomtent is helping sellers not just keep up, but stay ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

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